Anxiety Counseling

3 Ways College Students Can Manage and Cope with Anxiety

3 Ways College Students Can Manage and Cope with Anxiety

Is the pressure of everyday life keeping you up at night? Are you having emotional outbursts as it feels like the walls are closing in dealing with everyday tasks? Do your muscles tighten or tense up at the thought of an upcoming paper or project? What you are experiencing are signs of you feeling overwhelmed. Here are three tips to assist in managing anxiety.

10 Ways to Manage Social Anxiety as Restrictions Lift

10 Ways to Manage Social Anxiety as Restrictions Lift

How have you been navigating through post-pandemic social gatherings? I was in a meeting the other day where we discussed this very topic. While restrictions are being lifted, many people are not comfortable with going out and resuming the life they had before the pandemic. From the conversations I have had with several colleagues, you are not alone if you are currently feeling this way. It may even feel particularly worse for you if suffer from social anxiety.